Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sweetness In The Belly By Camilla Gibb

  This was one of the best summer reads of 2008. I would recommend this book to people over the age of 14 looking for a gripping read. This book starts out in Harar, Ethiopia with a little girl named Lilly. This girl is named after her Grandmother. The plot of the story is about a girl overcoming adversity in a new age London England.

  Whilst in Harar as a child sahe is told one day that her parents are dead. Lilly studied in Harar to become a nurse where is what she is pursuing her career at an old rundown homeless shelter. This is where she started her career she helped deliver a baby when she had no experience in the field. Near the end of the book she goes back to her homeland of Ethiopia and then she meets her parents and lives happily with her newly found parents. She later meets a husband and starts a family.

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